martes, 29 de julio de 2008

SUSE Linux Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

Un buen libro dedicado a esta gran distro (para mi una de las mejores). En esta caja de herramientas SuSEras podemos encontrar como instalar, configurar y manejar esta distro. Incluye además temas sobre multimedia y un par de apéndices muy útiles.
Paginas: 339
Idioma: Ingles
Formato: Pdf
Peso: 3.19 Mb.


Chapter 1: Starting with SUSE
Chapter 2: Installing openSUSE and Adding Software
Chapter 3: Using the Shell
Chapter 4: Working with Files
Chapter 5: Manipulating Text
Chapter 6: Playing with Multimedia
Chapter 7: Administering File Systems
Chapter 8: Backups and Removable Media
Chapter 9: Checking and Managing Running Processes
Chapter 10: Managing the System
Chapter 11: Managing Network Connections
Chapter 12: Accessing Network Resources
Chapter 13: Doing Remote System Administration
Chapter 14: Locking Down Security
Appendix A: Using vi or Vim Editors
Appendix B: Shell Special Characters and Variables
Appendix C: Getting Information from /proc

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